Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Sick Again!

Monday morning - back to work/school. Everything is just fine.
10:30am I receive a call from the daycare - Zach has a 102 fever. Okay, no big deal - "I tell her to just give him some Tylenol" - She says "Oh no, he has a fever, you will have to pick him up"

I take Zach to work with me until Chris gets off around 2pm. He sure doesn't act sick - he found the phone and computer wires under my desk (several times), he found probably the only staple on the floor, he pulled the trash can over, and he crawled his way out of the office. By the end of the night we can actually tell that he doesn't feel well. Yep - he was up all night crying - better call the doctor.

Tuesday - back to the doctor (third time in 3 weeks) - You guessed it, the ear infection is back. He received a nasty shot of antibiotics (at least we don't have to remember to give it to him twice a day) and is doing remarkably better already.

Therefore, Zach is starting the day out at school today (Wednesday). Let's see if I get a call today??

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