Sunday, September 02, 2007

The Reception

Pics from the Head Table!
(How did we miss Abby??)

The Urban Family!

Toast from the Best Man - Chris was so nervous about speaking, he says it got all jumbled up, everyone else thinks he did great!

Zach wanted to drink out of a "big kid's cup". He would tip his sippy cup into the plastic cup - a drip or two would come out - he would then drink the drips from the "big cup". I guess that is one way of doing it....

Zach was completely puzzled by the lights on the dance floor - He just couldn't figure them out!

Guess who caught the Bouquet??

Havin' Fun!

Here's to a Happy Couple!

Dancin' the Night Away!

1 comment:

Abby said...

Chris did do a fantastic job! All the toasts were awesome!