Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Line-Up

Just one clue that this child belongs to Andrea.....
Everything in its place!

Do other 2-year olds line things up like this????


Anonymous said...

Chris would line up things like foot stools, chairs, little tables, boxes, and anything else taht he could find. Then he would walk across the room on them so he didn't have to touch the floor.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Z is lining them up for a big Indy race. I wonder who got the pole position. Probably the car that had the best time trial laps. I can already tell who is going to win the race. The car that crosses the finish line first. duhhhhh. G

Anonymous said...

Once I went back and looked at the picture better it looks like the 1972 orange VW Beetle,(like th one G & nana had) got the pole position. Now chances that the hopped up VW wins the race is somewhat slim you just never know until the fat lady sings. G

Stephanie said...

Eli did something similar the other day...

He took Cars stickers and put them in a line on the kitchen table. That was lots of fun to clean up!

Michelle said...

Claire does stuff like that. Just the other day at my Mom's house she lined up the kitchen chairs and everyone had to sit in a row, even her toy highchair and baby doll had to participate.