Monday, January 08, 2007

Big Boy Now

Last week when Zach returned to school from the Holidays a few changes were made. C was moved from his classroom and N came over from the infant room. This meant that Zach is now one of the older kids and N needed the crib for naptime. (They have 4 cribs and 4 cots in his class).


Wow - I can' t believe it! And, according to his teachers, he is doing fantastic! He played a lot at naptime in the crib - now he is going right to sleep.

Miss Lisa sings a song to each child at naptime and Zach has picked it up too. "Night Night Zach, Night Night Zach, It's Time to Go Night Night"

Zach sang himself to sleep one day for naptime "Ni Ni Ba" He is saying Night Night Baby! He was also singing this one day in the car.


Andy said...

He's gonna be a regular Eddie Vedder. Go Zach.

Anonymous said...

Z could beciome the next Elvis. Ya ain't nothin but a hound dog. Z