Tuesday, July 04, 2006

RED, White & Blue

Zach had his first bloody accident today! He was happily playing in the front room with his toys - I went outside to see what Chris was up to with the deck project. I helped him hold a board while he cut, then went to check back on Zach. Zach's back was to me, he was still in the same place playing with his blocks, but he was making a whiny/moaning sound too. I was about to dismiss it when I realized that wasn't a sound I've heard before. I went over to pick him up and his whole mouth, chin, and hands were bloody. Ok-this is where I sort of lost it! I picked him up and brought him to dad. I had no idea what to do - I was too afraid to hurt him more. Chris was a pro! He said "Well lets clean him up and see where this is coming from". We did just that - apparently he chomped wrong on the plastic block he was chewing. It cut him in that spot where your lip and gums meet right between the middle teeth - OUCH!! Zach is more of a trooper than I am. I think I may have cried a little more than he did! Thank goodness for daddies! (What in the world am I gonna do when he really gets hurt???? I dread those moments and hope Chris will be around for most of them!!!)

Oh yeah, today is the 4th of July! Nothing exciting for the Urban's. I kept Zach up to watch fireworks (we can see a lot from our house!!). He watched a few - never smiled or reacted - and then rubbed his eyes telling me that he was bored and ready for night-night. Maybe next year!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad he is ok. There is nothing worse than the first bloody accident! Like you said, you are not sure who cries the most... I really do think it is mommy!!! Is your heart out of your stomach yet? If he takes after his dad and grandpa be prepared for more! Why do you think dad was so calm ... he's put his mom & dad through this many, many times!
Just remember ... if it is something having to do with the face the blood makes it look way worse than it really is ... Chris got a small cut on his forehead and I thought he had done major damage ... by all of the blood you would have thought he had cut off the whole top of his head!!!

Andrea said...

Oh Sarah, that is awful - I always think about that when I hold him by his arms! I guess I will just have to start preparing myself now!! I did have a little boy afterall!

Stephanie said...

A little cut can sure produce a lot of blood. Zach sure is a trooper... as are you! I think I would have passed out. I call Chris every time something bad happens because I REALLY overreact.