Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Not So Little Anymore

This morning when Zach and I arrived at school his teacher was busy consoling a crying child. (Zach is usually the first in his class to arrive, so Miss Sarah stays with the older children until we get there). Miss Lisa (the morning mobile infant room teacher) invited Zach over to her room since Miss Sarah was busy. Zach could not have been more excited - we pulled up a chair for him at the table with three other 1-2 yr. olds. Miss Lisa was concerned that he would need a highchair, but he sat at the big table just like the big kids! Once he was pushed in he just looked at her like "Where are my cheerios - the other kids have cheerios!". When I left, he was sitting happily at the Big table, with the Big kids eating Big people food (biscuits and cheerios). My little boy isn't so little anymore!