Saturday, July 18, 2009

St. Louis Zoo

The weather was wonderful today so we decided to go to the Zoo. Apparently we weren't the only ones with the same idea. It took us 45min. to find a parking spot - both pay lots were completely full too! We were so excited to finally find one!

Zach thought it was fun on Dad's shoulders until they got closer to the bird. I think Z was a bit concerned that Bird would get him....

The boys checking out the Rhino -

The elephants - Zach thought they smelled like dirt (that is a nice word for it!)

CHEESE! Aah - No more pictures Dad!!

The Giant Tortoises and the Lemurs. Zach loved the monkey house- he quickly picked out King Julian and Maurice! (He didn't care for the smell in here either...) He thought it was great to find all the characters from Madagascar.

The Lion was resting in the tree today!

The boys and I by the Zebras - Zach and I watching the orangutans

We saw a few babies! The camel and the giraffe. The baby giraffe was rubbing necks with its Mama - so cute!

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