Thursday, June 12, 2008

Poison What?

So over the weekend, we did some cleaning up in the yard. I spent most of the time ripping out vines and weeds along the fenceline. Little did I know that I was allergic to what I was pulling. Sure enough, Monday evening I started breaking out on my face. By Tuesday it was all over and my eyes were beginning to swell a little. (I guess it was only on my face because I cleaned up when I came inside. Luckily I washed it off of my hands/arms before it caused a problem) I ended up going to the Dr. for some steroids to clear it up. These pics are after a day or two on the steroids.

I did a lot of google searching before I finally decided to go to the doctor. I learned a lot about poison ivy and I don't think that is what I had. I am pretty sure we have Virginia Creeper in our yard and it seems that some are allergic to this plant in the same way we are allergic to poison ivy. Leave it to my sensitive skin to figure this one out.....

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