Saturday, December 29, 2007

Two Months Old

Owen is already two months old! Wow does time fly. Owen weighed in at 10 lbs. and 9 oz. He is 23" long. This puts him around the 25th percentile compared to others his age. He screamed and cried when he got his first shots. But he was a champ and didn't even need tylenol!

He is starting to smile at people he recognizes - right now that is Mommy, Daddy, Zach and Aunt Alecia. Owen loves music. It seems to be one of the few things that will calm him down. He is not the most content baby - no abnormal crying, just really fussy. He is also a "snacker" - which means that he takes in enough milk to not be hungry, Then he is ready to eat again in an hour. This has taken a toll on me as far as nursing goes. I can handle some cluster feeding for a day, but everyday was just too much. I had to make the difficult decision to stop nursing. Besides the constant hunger, he wasn't latching quite properly either. So, for now I am exclusively pumping....

Owen also doesn't sleep much at night. He is very restless and fussy in his sleep, which then wakes him up. The only way to keep him sleeping is to hold him. Try to sleep well yourself, when you are stuck in one position all night holding an infant. Needless to say, after two months of this, we are VERY TIRED (and have quite a few kinks in our backs and necks)!! Hopefully it will get better soon. (Zach was sleeping well by six weeks)

It is really true that no two are alike. Zach and Owen as babies are like night and day!

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