Monday, October 02, 2006

What is Mommy's Role

I really enjoyed my friend's blog titled "Piece of Cake". She said it perfectly.

A day or two later, I ran into into this article in Baby Talk Magazine.

So we know we have to have a life other than our children and we know that we shouldn't feel guilty about it - Now, how the heck do we get the guilt monster to listen to the reality monster???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sadly, the guilt monster never goes away.
Even when they are adults it is ... am I spending enough time with them, too much, should I call more, less, am I doing enough for them. They are always on your mind and you miss them soooo much. You still want to spend so much time with them. It really is a mom thing and, thankfully, those special feelings and ties stay there.
Just enjoy your time and don't lose precious minutes of joy by feeling guilty.