Friday, September 15, 2006

One Year

Wow - Diddle, I can't believe it has been a whole year already! (Then again, we have had such a great time together that I don't remember when you weren't here!) You are such a delightful little boy. Mommy and Daddy couldn't be any prouder of our little Zach!

You love to talk (your language, of course) to us and I know that you love us just as much as we love you! You have recently learned to give kisses - what a wonderful thing! Just yesterday you saw Daddy give me a kiss good-bye. You really thought that was cool and we all exchanged kisses together!

We thought for sure you would be walking by now - but I guess you decided to save that milestone for later. You are cruising around everything you can hold on to, but you just won't let go! You really like to push things around (anything you can push) and lately you really like your blocks. I just love to watch you put all of the blocks in the basket and then take them all out again. This keeps you entertained for quite awhile. I just bought you a toy box and you really like taking ALL of the toys out of it. Now we need to practice putting them back in too.

You are now eating big people food for all of your meals and you only drink milk (no more formula). You love to eat - when you see the highchair, I know you would climb right up on your own if you could! Right now, your favorite seems to be bananas. If we let you, you would probably eat three in one sitting. So far, there isn't much you don't like. I thought you wouldn't eat yogurt, but that changed. You aren't too excited by cheese, but you will eat it. Graham crackers are another favorite of yours. And, I can't believe it, but you still love Cheerios!

Here are the 1-year stats from your doctor appointment:
29" long (you moved up to the 40th percentile)
18 lbs. 3 oz. (still a skinny little squirt - 5th%tile)
46.5cm Head circumference (still a little big for your body)

You received two shots and did not like it AT ALL! I felt horrible when you screamed out - it was a scared/hurt scream. Don't worry Diddle, you were okay once I was able to hold you! Dr. Buffa says that you are doing wonderful - Keep it up!

I love you Zach,

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