-Zach weighs 16 3/4lbs. He is 27 1/4" long. His head circumference is 45 1/2cm. (Weight 5th %, Length 10%, HC 50% of his peers) - What exactly does this mean?? According to the pediatrician, Zach is just genetically set up to be small. (Also according to Dr. Buffa, his head is a bit big for his body - which means he is very top heavy. Her advice is to close the bathroom door so he doesn't tip into the toilet and can't pull his heavy head out.)
-Zach loves to babble - he uses multiple syllables and says MaMa and DaDa regularly.
-Zach is able to pull himself to a standing position while holding onto something. He is just starting to "cruise" the furniture. Usually though, he will just sit back down, move, then stand back up in the new location.
-He is using the Pincer grasp alot and he passes toys from one hand to the other (putting on/taking off shirts)
-He loves to bang items together and on the floor - The more noise, the better Zach likes it. He also likes to push every button on his toys (he is learning that the buttons make the sounds)
-Zach is crawling very well - he actually has some speed now and he just gets so proud of himself when he gets all the way across the room!
-Zach responds to his name and understands "No" and "Come Here".
-He is learning to drink from a sippy cup and he loves to eat table food. He screams at us to share if we are eating something in front of him. Zach just started on School Food this week at daycare.
What a little squirt! Glad he's doing so well! Although, his size is making me feel like Zoe is turning out to be "monster baby". :-)
This proves that Zach is a typical true blue Urban ... big headed! My co worker says that a big head is a sign of high intelligence!
You are a cool dude, Zach!
Has it really been 9 months already????
I know what Kate means--Lucas weighs two pounds more than Zach . . . at 5 months!
I love reading about what to expect in four months. Zach is such a darling.
Let's hear it for the big-headed kids! Maybe we should start a support group or something. I have found 2 problems with big heads: 1) when the kids fall, it hits first and it hits hard!, and 2) trying to fit a ginormous head through normal sized neckholes in shirts.
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